A Friend

I'm just a friend

Know nothing about you
Only what can be sense by the senses
And that's it
I'm just a friend

I'm just a friend

Instead of drawing sweet smiles on your face
I do bring sorrow
I do bring pain
Erasing perfection in a such imperfect way

I'm just a friend

Who dragged you from light
Deep down into darkness

I'm just a friend

Never tired of an old story
You might already give up

I'm just a friend

Blind by the joy
Blown by the lullaby
Bound by the history

Share no laughter
Share sadness

Baby, I'm just a friend

Who always gets embarrassed
By how well you treat me
Something I can't do in return

I'm just a friend
Never able to be the shoulder you need
The hands to hold
The place you call home

Tear the tears
Warming hugs

Baby, I'm just a friend

- Yazida -
Monday, July 13th, 2017.
22.11 WIB.

#30DWCJilid7 #Day12
