Survivor, I am

So, last night I finally decided to share my old story with one of my friend that I trust the most.

It was a short story, niatnya. Niat pertama waktu saya memutuskan untuk tulis itu empat tahun yang lalu. And all of a sudden, dia berubah bentuk jadi sebuah cerita dua puluh dua halaman. So, yes, I sent him a file on Ms. Word.

"Itu beneran nggak? Ceritanya itu ceritamu bukan?" He asked me when he finished reading all the pages, took for about more than thirty minutes, I guess.

I said yes.

Obrolan kami berlanjut, salah satunya mengidentifikasi mana yang fakta dari cerpen saya, mana yang bukan. Alhamdulillah, it wasn't a hard thing at all for me when I did it.

"Kenapa sih kamu cerita ini?"

I said I don't know. I have no reason why.

But, re-think about it, I guess the reason why I decided to share my old story a story that becomes one of my turning points on how I see the world now is... because I have found my courage to share. Effortlessly.

Time has finally gives me an answer about when will I be able to heal from the previous pain.

"How do you feel now?"

Grateful, I said.

"Sakit hati banget atau enggak?"

Jelas. At that time.

Sekarang udah kebas. Needs more than six fabulous years to forget it (ditambah fakta bahwa otak saya dikasih kemampuan mengingat sedemikian rupa sama Allah, hahahah so I think that's why it took a long long time).

Juga kalau teman-teman pernah baca beberapa post absurd saya, saya rasa, saya pernah menuliskan kalimat ini:

Forgiving, it doesn't mean forgetting.

I guess that's what happened.

So, once again, thank you Dear Past. Thank you again.

I learned so much.

Now, I realize that I am... a survivor.

Best Regards,



Buat teman cerita saya tadi malam, I don't know what to say, but thank you!
Thank you for congratulated me as a survivor. I appreciate it so much!
