A Part to Keep

When you decided to step in someone's life, you shall ask yourself:
"Do I do that 'cause I feel like I'll be able to help them, change them, to be better?"

How thoughtful of you. I also can tell that there's this pureness inside your heart, reflected through your intentions. But... have you ever consider how big the sacrifice you might made? 

You know, I've been through a journey where I thought the answer of the first question I asked above was yes. Sadly, those ended up by me being the one who got hurt the most. And all alone.

That was silly me, I never really thought about my answer for question number two. I know there would be some sacrifices to be made, I just... didn't realize how big. So I simply gave it all that I have. Leaving nothing for myself.

While you watch their souls grow, you feel your soul faded. Time by time. You want to hold on everything just to keep your feet on the ground, but you just can't. You are faded, you are no longer solid. 

Hey, I just want you to know that how big the sacrifice you should make when you decided to enter someone else's life, that's not your responsibility to fully help and change them. Do your part for them, but also don't forget to take your part for yourself.

Let their souls grow 'cause they also learn their part. So you can let your soul grow too. 

You do what you can. You do what's best to do. 

Now, take a rest.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. One... two... three... four.

You've been so brave, Sweetheart. You even still save your part for yourself, the part that build you stronger. All you did was enough. You, yourself... is also enough. And worthy.

Thank you, My Dear Self.

29 Oktober 2020.
22.46. WIB.

