Once upon a time, when I was in 10th grade, our English Teacher gave us a task to write down (yeah, to describe) our chairmate. Maybe thats the real impact of being the first generation of K-13, the new curriculum that arranged by the government. Both our score in every test and how we behave during the school will be judged (maybe this is how they judge our behavior, from our own friends!)

So, yeah, we did what our teacher asked to do.

I would never (EVER) regret that task because I'm finding it hilarious when a few days ago (now I'm officially in 12th grade!) I finally found what I wrote down and what my chairmate, Abdul, wrote down:

(PS : Just click on those pics if you cant read them clearly hohoho)

What Abdul Wrote Down

What Zida Wrote Down

Well, if you're wondering where we actually sat in the class, hmmm... Mostly, we sat in the first column and second row (nahloh) hauahuhauhauhauh (teachers wouldn't completely pay attention to people who sat in front of the class, right? B})

Thats probably the reason why we could do our similar... 'hobby' -_-V

Dul! Thanks for being my chairmate for several times! Thanks for protecting me from being seen by our teachers hahahaha, all we need now are... 


Yazida pake Z (all my classmates in 10th grade will ALWAYS remember this).
