The Conversation

What will you do if you miss someone or what will you do if you're reminded to the certain special person?
Recieved at 7.55 PM

I'll write.

I'll try to remember those momments I and he/she'd passed together, every momment that makes me want to repeat it again and again... Then I'll write it.

It doesn't have to be a good literature, but something that expressing our feeling.

Tell him/her that we miss them? Won't finish the problem.
Sent at 8.03 PM

Such a good idea :) Thanks for answering
Recieved at 8.04 PM

You're welcome, Dad ;)

The only reason why I could answer it, and gave you such an idea, is because...

I'm writing. I mean, now. Yeah :p
Sent at 8.13 PM

Apa yang kamu tulis, nak? Wkwkw

Lagi rindu yaah? *uhuk
Recieved at 8.15 PM

Saya menulis betapa saya merindukan dia yang dulu. #ceileee

Dia masih orang yang sama, tapi di satu sisi orang yang berbeda.

Complicated? Memang. Fff itu.
Sent at 8.18 PM

Dia udah berubah? :o :o :o :o :o
Recieved at 8.19 PM

Iya, tanpa dia sadari, dia udah berubah.

Gaya bercandanya masih sama, tapi cara dia ketawa itu beda. Ibaratnya gitu.
Sent at 8.21 PM


Lagi rindu yaah? *uhuk
Iya. Lagi rindu.

Saya menulis betapa saya merindukan dia yang dulu. #ceileee

Dia masih orang yang sama, tapi di satu sisi orang yang berbeda.

Complicated? Memang. Fff itu.
Sent at 8.18 PM

Dia udah berubah?
Iya, tanpa dia sadari, dia udah berubah.

Apa yang kau tulis nak?
Tentang Fff. Tentang anda, Dad.

Hey, salah siapa kalian punya inisial sama? :p 


Kalo ditanya siapakah Fff yang aku maksud di postingan ini, mungkin kalian bakal berasumsi kalo dia adalah orang yang aku taksir. Bahwa aku lagi kangen sama dia yang aku taksir, yang terletak berpuluh kilometer nun jauh di sana.

Tapi ini bukan.

Do you remember a fact that I claimed I have seven fathers? Yeah, he is the part of it.
But 'Dad' that I'm talking about in this post isn't my biological Dad. Seriously.

He is one of those Dads I have. The youngest one. My classmate for two years.
#i'm sure you know who's he

Soal apa yang aku tulis, beginilah...

Dad, did you know that I miss that momment when we're joking together? It was fun, really.
The time we spent to text each other, talking about even a really unimportant thing, sharing what we thought at that time... I miss it, much.
Those attentions you've given to me... as a father, as a friend... mean something I can't describe  by words.
Although I know that sometimes you make me such your stepdaughter (well, I know that we're not connected by blood, but I don't wanna be treated like that!), you'd always ask and try to find what's wrong with me. Thats an effort, and I appreciate it.
Sometimes, there're times when we have a misunderstanding, miscommunication, and you get mad at me like a defensive lion's mother. Seriously. But when you're get mad, those super protective trait weren't belong to me. Those belong to her. My mother's candidate. Yeah.
I want you to know that just because you have crush on her, it doesn't mean that everything, excepts her, is wrong. That's not fair for the others. You'd tried to defend her desperately in front of me, and saw me like I was the only one who got mistaken. Like I wasn't someone you'd trusted all those time. That's not fair, Dad.
Be wise, Dad. Remember who you are :p

Apa banget kan isinya? -,-
Tapi itu jujur loh... Itu yang disebut menulis, bener-bener menulis dan nggak harus jadi karya yang bagus.

Dan untuk yang tanya kenapa aku pake pura2 ngaku ke dia kalo Fff yang aku taksir itu berubah, kalo orang yang aku kangenin sifatnya itu Fff yang aku taksir dan bukan dia, well, here is the reason:
Tell him/her that we miss them? Won't finish the problem.
Sent at 8.03 PM
