Why We Should Master English?

Why We Should Master English?

Language. Yeah, language is one of the most important media for us to communicate. Without language, people would be confused in explaining or telling something to another people. People would use sign language and body language, because both couldn’t understand what the other’s talked about. Learning about our own language (Bahasa) is very important, of course. But, will it work if we visit another country? Yeah, that’s one of the simplest reasons, why we should master English.

Sign Language

English is the second International Languages that most people commonly use (the first position is Mandarin). English became an international language because it contains of much vocabularies. Originally, English was used by several countries as their own language. And then, it spread and claimed by more countries as their second language after their national language. It has proved by the UN’s (PBB) approval to use English as their communication language.

United Nations

English, moreover, is easier to be understood than Mandarin. It makes people prefer English to Mandarin. Another peculiarity of English is that English uses alphabet, not Mandarin’s letters.

Mandarin's Letter

English’s status as an international language has proved by most websites on internet that uses English as their introduction language. As we know, that internet is very influential for our life. We could be connected with other people from another country. But, how we could be connected each other if we don’t have a connection language that both person understand? Yeah, English would be our connection language. And how if we have known English but we don’t use it properly? Yeah, we would have a misunderstanding with someone we’re trying to talk. So, to avoid the misunderstanding meaning, we should master English.


Moreover, if we have difficulties about something and search it on internet and there’s only an English explanation that available, we have no choice. We have to study about English, and we have to master it or get lost. That’s why we should master English.

So, why we still underestimate English? English has many functions and peculiarities. It would be very beneficial for our life if we know, understand, practice it, master it, and use English. So guys, let’s start to study English now!

Mastering English, Mastering Your World.

Keep Calm and Learn Engish

By  : Nurmalita, Yazida, and Zuhraida

(PS : This article has ever been posted here as the task from Mr. Ratmoko, when we're in 9th grade)
