Something About Friendship

It was 2008 where I believed to be the time I started to state that there's no such a 'bestfried forever' thing. Simply because 'bestfriend' doesn't exist

But then a few days ago, when I talked on the phone with a friend and began to open two old diaries of mine... 2008 was maybe just a kind of introduction. It was actually 2010.

I kept on wondering these whole life of mine a few years back: why a specific date matters so much to me. Why I always hope my birthday every single year to run well. Why sometimes it causes my heart beating faster as that specific date come closer.

I came to a realization that, maybe, it because what happened in September 22nd 2008 and so did September 22nd 2010.

Little me was experiencing such a hard time, dealing with something we used to call as 'bestfriend'.

Didn't know that friendship among kiddos can affect your future life. But really, from that moment on, I built a tall and hard fort to protect myself from being so soft (not forget to mention 'hurt') by whatever called 'bestfriend'. 

I erased the term 'bestfriend' from my dictionary of life. Leaving 'good friend' & 'close friend' as the-most-making-sense title among my friendship circle. I just... didn't quite catch it. I failed to understand the true meaning of 'bestfriend' by the age I should've learned to make friends.

Well, it does make me happy these 10 years living without any 'bestfriend'. I love my good & close friends, so does their presence. 

Nowadays, I began to understand that something like this, like friendship, is a never ending lesson throughout our life. We might graduate from elementary school or high school and finish our study here and there, but things like friendship is never actually taught at school as a formal lesson.

Funny that this could be an example of what learning by doing is. We learn through our experiences. We learn from hearing stories of other people's experiences. Or directly watch others experiencing stuffs. The thing is: this never stops.

Its going on and on and on. And on.

There will be plenty of updates throughout our life. Might be an update every second, every hour, everyday, every week... month, or year. You tell me.

Cause it happens differently to every person. Our updates are unique to each other... and so do we.

Maybe the update in your life now could be majoring a new delicious menu to cook at home during quarantine. Maybe mine is... getting a new perspective about friendship.

I still stick to my words that I don't believe in the existence of 'bestfriend', and I don't have one either. At least not in my life for the past 10 years.

But these few months, I began to see it through other persons experience. I thought I see what people describe as bestfriend-ship

Believe me, its not that I become sad or jealous or anything about not having one. I'm actually very happy. I'm glad to witness pure souls loving each other as bestfriend without wanting to change anything about their bestfriend. They love each other for who they are.

Its a heartwarming thing to witness. And beautiful.

And tonight, I'd like to share those videos with you guys. Hoping that we can all experience our hearts begins to feel warm and full of love.

I wonder... is this how unconditional love might look like?

Heartwarming Bestfriend-ship of Ruby & Avery

Another Heartwarming Bestfriend-ship of Nick & Callie

Also I'd like to thank SBSK (Special Book by Special Kids) for all amazing videos you guys have. I hope it could help others to have better understanding on different conditions other people may have, also a heartwarming experience to see things in different perspective as I do. 
So glad that I found your channel! Keep inspire us & spread more love. You definitely born with beautiful purpose in the name of kindness & humanity. 
Love from Indonesia :)

For all of you who read this post: don't forget to smile and be grateful for what we have today. Alhamdulillah :)

From an individual who once hurt by a 'bestfriend',
Don't believe in the concept of 'bestfriend',
But write something about friendship.

13 Juli 2020.
22.47 WIB.

You can watch their individual interview or their life in a day videos by clicking down below. Promise you, those videos will make your heart waaaay warmer :)
