New School? New Grade. New Business. New Activities.

It is September 8th 2013 and... sorry for this late post.

I have to say that right now, I have been the student of SMAN 1 Purwokerto. Feels great! Although I've never guessed that this would be very... unusual. So many new things here.

I feel like I am one of the world's buziest person in the world. With those tasks, events, and competitions, well, man! Cm'on!

I'm one of the students here who're trying or uhm, using the new curriculum from the government. Honestly, there're so many questions about this new curriculum. I do wanna say that I need those books! 

I mean, with this new curriculum, our first year of Senior High School would have been devided into 2 different specialization. There're MSc (Mathematics and Science) and also Soc (Social). Well, I'm one of those who has been chosen to be MSc's students.

Okay, wanna know the point? I need Biology's book with this new curriculum inside the material, so does Chemicals, Physics... Yeah.

3 books. Let me tell you that I need those 3 books and that's right my school has given us 3 books, but... they are Mathematics, History, and Indonesians. I need the other 3!!!

Next, let me tell you one of the events at my school that made me so... busy!

This event was held in order to commemorate Indonesian's Independence Day, August 17th 2013. Yeah this is us:

We're On Duty, August 17th 2013

Can you see me? Well, I was at the second line of the troops.

I know. Looked so... gloomy. With that fabulous perfect-tanned face, my friends in western country would be very envy of me :p

Almost everyday, even at Ramadhan, we have to prepare this. Yeah.

At least, we're so proud to be the part of Paspara Smansa 23 ;D

Those smiles... I'll never forget them.

Well' there're so many, MANY new things I'd like to tell you about. But sadly, my homeworks really need needs me to be done as soon as possible. But I promise you, I'll tell you everything!


( PS : We always use it whenever we want to start Paskibra's extracuricullar, I'm so proud that I can use that greeting ;D )

- Pedo
