Source : Google

Modals adalah kata kerja bantu (auxiliary) yang memberikan arti tambahan dalam kalimat dan tidak mengubah bentuk gramatika suatu kata kerja.

  1. CAN
    - Menyatakan kemampuan (ability)
    > He can speak five languages.

    > She can lift the heavy box.

    - Menyatakan kemungkinan (possibility)
    > It can snow in April.

    > It can rain in October. 
    - Menyatakan ijin / kebolehan (permission)
    > You can go now.

    > She can leave soon. 
    - Can = be able to jika digunakan dalam future / perfect tense
    > She has been able to solve the problem herself.

    > They will be able to clomb that mountain. 

  2. MAY
    - Menyatakan kebolehan / ijin (permission)
    > May I ask you a question? 
    > May I come to your house?
    - Menyatakan kemungkinan (possibility)
    > It may rain tonight.

    > You are here now, she may stay at home alone.

    - Menyatakan harapan (wish)
    > May you soon be well again.

    > May God bless you. 

  3. WILL
    - Menyatakan future (to be going to)
    > He will take an English course next semester.

    > She is going to Australia next semester. 
    - Menyatakan persetujuan dan keinginan
    > I will do whatever you think the best.

    > We will come if we have more time. 
    - Menyatakan permintaan
    > Will you close the window, please?

    > WIll you help me for a minute, please? 

  4. SHALL
    - Menyatakan future (to be going to) sebaiknya digunakkan untuk subjek I dan We
    > I shall leave for Harvard tomorrow.

    > We shall go next.

    - Menyatakan persetujuan atau bantuan untuk melakukan sesuatu bagi orang lain
    > Shall I answer the telephone for you?

    > Shall I open the front door for you? 

    - Menyatakan keputusan (decision) yang harus dilaksanakan
    > You shall go out now.

    > I shall do the job right now. 

  5. MUST
    - Menyatakan kebutuhan (necessity) dan keharusan (=have to)
    > I must take a rest.

    > My father must take the medical care in the city hospital. 
    - Menyatakan kemungkinan kuat (strong possibility)
    > She was absent yesterday. She must have been sick again.

    > He wasn't there when it happened. He must have gone out. 
    - Menyatakan kesimpulan (conclusion)
    > The door is locked. He must not be at home.

    > The window is open. The owner of the house must be in.
    - Must = be able to = am/is/are/have/has/was/were/had to
    > She must enroll last week, it is stopped now.

    > They must submit their assignments a week ago. 

  6. COULD- Bentuk lampau dari CAN dan menyatakan kebolehan
    > You could come to my house yesterday night.

    > Could I run the businesss myself? 

  7. MIGHT- Bentuk lampau dari MAY dan menyatakan kemungkinan besar
    > If you invited him, he might come to the meeting.

    > They might have left early because they arrived first. 

  8. WOULD- Bentuk lampau dari WILL dan menyatakan permintaan yang lebih sopan
    > I would go if it didn't rain yesterday.

    > Would you like to came to my house tonight? 

  9. SHOULD- Menyatakan anjuran (advisability)
    > You look pake. you should see a doctor.  
    > He seems sleepy when he drives. You should ask him to stop. 

    - Menyatakan kewajiban (obligatory duty) = ought to
    > Everyone should respect parents.  
    > He should come to take the test on time. 

    - Menyatakan kesimpulan yang sudah jelas
    > She took singing lesson for years, she should be an excellent singer.  
    > You lived in London for five years, you should speak English fluently. 

Thankyou to Mam Erna and Mr. Ratmoko
Source : A Learner's Pocket Grammar/Modals that has been written in my notebook
