Dilemma and Demand about the Word 'Done'

Rasanya tuh pengen nangis, pengen kabur, pengen elus dada!

Ya, aku emang kandidat story telling.
Dan, ya, aku juga seorang murid.

Pernah ga, ngerasain dilema aneh?

First of all, tomorrow I'll have a civic dialy test and so many social homework.

Second, this morning, Ms Restu told me that my illustration picture must be done tomorrow.

Third, the bad one, Ma'am want me to practicing story telling tomorrow, but it has to be done with the property too!

Sadly, I feel just like I'm so stupid and freak when I performed my story today. I mean, they saw me just like 'whatever' and I dont like it! Seems like they have no feeling about what I have done!

For my friends, I just wanna say that y'all have to be proud of yourself. U have to be proud of all that u have done in the past. Altough it was a mistake, I want u to know that you're wrong. Just try to fix it in the future, friends! ;)

For all of my beloved teacher, sometimes I just need u to appreciate me. I've done all that I can be.

I'm not as perfect as u want, but, believe it, I've tried.

Note gapenting:
Aku nangis waktu bikin postingan ini.


  1. Nikmatin aja, namanya juga hidup. Silahkan nangis, silakan nangis sekenceng-encengnya, tapi tetep keep moving forward aja, karena ini yang namanya hidup: selalu ngalir dari satu waktu ke waktu lain, dari satu sungai ke satu sungai lain...

    tapi aku juga ga di tempat yang pas buat ngomong begini sih, aku anaknya bego sih -_-


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